God’s Blessings! This is the July newsletter! Service times have shifted! We will be conducting our Divine Service at 9:30 AM on Sunday. After service, we will be holding fellowship AND Bible study downstairs. Join us for learning more about God’s Word and a time to fellowship! At the next Elder meeting, we will look at options for our Bible Study so the fellowship hours will not intrude on Bible study times. More to come on this. The Bible study is on the 10 Commandments and after this we will begin some study of our Lutheran Confessions. Knowing our doctrine is essential while living in this fallen world. New member class has been suspended but will begin again soon. Too many conflicts with the summer months. Grateful for a free Country where we can worship without threat of persecution. There are many places I the world that do not have the freedoms we do and we should never take these for granted. Thankful for the men who drafted perhaps the greatest document in history, our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Of course, the Bible is the greatest, but I was talking about civil authority, the Kingdom of the Left!